Segoli's in the USA

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2012 - Jan-Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul-Yellowstone; Jul-Hawaii

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April 2012

The month of April can be divided into two parts: before Zoe was born and after Zoe was born.

Two weeks before the birth, we celebrated the Passover Seder with local friends. The children helped prepare the food and make a festive table and also prepared a card game related to Passover.

Three days before the due day, was the traditional picnic of the University of Davis. During this day there are displays of all departments and activities across campus. In the morning there's a parade in which representatives of various organizations of Davis march

Marching band of the University.
The children carry a chair for Michal


Bicycle Display



Two days before we went for a walk by a lake not far from Davis. We walked a lot in order to speed up delivery.


The next night we went to the hospital. The process was long and tiring and only after 24 hours, Zoe was born.

We spend much of the labor walking through the hospital corridors.

At the end - she came out

Zoe with a cap of NBA Kings.


The children meet Zoe.


Getting out

The children are very excited, enjoying Zoe and also helping a lot.


Lotem tells whoever is ready to listen about her new baby sister